Friday, March 8, 2013


I've been pretty tired this week. Between getting back on an early wakeup schedule to working out I have been wiped out at night. Riding in a vanpool isn't any fun but its nice to not be the one stressing the traffic. I've been sitting back and writing code. Who knows maybe this workout app will be the first hobby project I actually complete. Here is a link to the current build.

Its not pretty looking but it can already deal the deck and add up your time and display it when you finish. I'm working on mapping suits to exercises and letting you do it with more than one person. It originally was a 2 person game where you alternate cards so I want to have that feature in there.

At the gym today 2x15 pull ups, 40 easy minutes on the elliptical, 2x10 pull ups. 

Pushups - 0 / 5550 YTD
Pull ups - 50 / 480 YTD

Running - 0 / 27.64 YTD
Treadmill - 0 / 2 YTD
Elliptical - 3.15 / 26.5 YTD
Run total - 56.14 YTD

1 comment:

  1. It'd be awesome if this was finally the app idea that made you millions. However, I still can't figure out how to open it on my phone even with the email you sent me.
