Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Don't drink and run

I caught up with Jamie after work for a beer. He moved around a mile away from us but I hadn't seen him yet. Strange enough we ended up meeting 15 miles from my house. We chatted for a bit and then I headed out for swim lessons. I made it to the pool a half hour early so I changed clothes real fast and went for a run. It was cold and windy out but at least there was still some sun out. The trail was marked 2.1 miles but I measured using an online pedometer since I didn't have my watch. The website came out to 1.8 miles. Pretty big discrepancy not sure how it can be so off. In addition to my blisters I now have a cut on my big toe where the skin is pressing up against the nail that is growing in. 

We hung around after swim lessons and let Dawson 'swim' for a while too. Urijah thought it was pretty cool that we got to swim with his brother. Urijah is loving the pool, he is obsessed with going under water. No clue where he gets it from.

Pushups - 0 / 6925 YTD
Pull ups - 0 / 500 YTD

Running - 3.6 / 41.26 YTD
Treadmill - 0 / 2 YTD
Elliptical - 0 / 29.5 YTD
Run total - 72.76 YTD


  1. What does "a toe big toe" mean? I think I'm going to try to get good at swimming so I can get a little cardio on off days and possible do a half-ironman someday. The half marathon and biking don't seem too bad, I just can't imagine swimming that distance ever.

  2. It obviously means you should proofread what you write. Should have been a cut on my big toe. The real question is why in the hell does blogger display the post in 2 different sizes when it is all written the same way.
