Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Just because I'm not writing doesn't mean I'm not working out. Saturday I went down to the track and ran 5x400 with 4 minutes rest. It was cold, we're talking sub 40 degrees. And I think that the track is actually a wind tunnel because I've never run on it when it didn't feel windy. The times are on my watch. I'll add them later (edit 1:15, 1:19, 1:18, 1:23, 1:18). I was sore from the gym on Friday and skipped pushups. We spent the rest of the day doing family time. There is a sick park in Redmond called Grass Lawn Park that we went to. It has the coolest ropes for kids to climb. It's a little scary letting a 2 1/2 year up climb up 15 feet of rope and only being able to hold him with one hand. Here are random pictures from online of the park.

Sunday I went snowboarding with Tasha and then convinced her to help on at the house for a whole hour. In that time she managed to cut the tape measure in half. I told her she'll have to do much more damage than that for me to not drag her back.

Monday I spread pushups throughout the day 260 total; 8am 50, 11:30am 50, 3pm 50, 5:30pm 35 (Urijah on back), 9pm (50,25)

I feel like 50 is my limit right now. Funny since I have done sets of so many more. Today is gym day.

Pushups - 260 / 7610 YTD
Pull ups - 0 / 525 YTD

Running - 2 / 43.26 YTD
Treadmill - 0 / 2 YTD
Elliptical - 0 / 31.5 YTD
Run total - 76.76 YTD


  1. There are definite times where writing feels like a grind. You just gotta keep it up and fight through the friction that life throws at you. Not that I'm one to talk but I'm at almost 3 months of steady blogging. Gotta admit that's pretty impressive.

    I feel like max pushups should be a steady constant upward graph but it just isn't. Sometimes I feel great and can bang em out, sometimes I just don't. I think that we're definitely overworking the muscles but hopefully over time they get used to it and then we'll get supremely beastly.

  2. And that park does look incredible. Not sure I'd let my 2.5 year-old go up but I guess scars heal (and glory fades).
