Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Clickity Clack...

back on track. Sticking to my word again lots of pushups. I did four sessions of 125 (32,31,31,31). 6am, 12pm, 6pm, 12am. It is now 1am and I'll regret being up this late tomorrow. In addition to the pushups I did 3 miles on the elliptical and a set of 20 pull ups before leaving the gym.

Pushups - 500 / 6300 YTD
Pull ups - 20 / 500 YTD

Running - 0 / 29.64 YTD
Treadmill - 0 / 2 YTD
Elliptical - 3 / 29.5 YTD
Run total - 61.14 YTD

In more exciting news we went to see Chris Cagle in concert tonight. He is no question my #2 favorite country singer and not far behind Phil. The opening act was Randy Houser who I know nothing about since I barely listen to music anymore. He had a few songs I recognized and was decent for an opening act. Interest fact to learn was that he wrote Honky Tonk Badonkadonk for Trace Atkins. The inspiration...sitting at a bar watching a group of girls line dance on of which he described as 'putting 10 lbs of flower in a 5 lb sack'. I've seen lots of country singers and I think this was my 4th time seeing him. Pretty sure first was sitting 3rd row at the Puyallup Fair during college, next was when I lived in San Jose and he played at a small bar. I went to the bar on my own since I didn't know anyone outside of work down there. He talked about getting started in the business and the grind that it was. He came off as the most appreciative singer I have ever seen. He got choked up a few times telling stories about his Dad convincing him to pursue his dream. Third I think was at the Enumclaw Fair, with Tasha and possibly Brandon. Not sure how it happened but I think at some point he was thanking military groups for their service and he had someone from the audience throw a phone up to him on stage to thank the person on the line for their service. We are talking 10 years ago, its fuzzy but talk about an impression. Tonight was cool because he played a number of songs I'd never heard in person. It was only he and 2 guitar players so he didn't rock out like if he had the full band but it was still great. He got choked up a number of times, right before the first one I was telling Tasha about him crying in SJ. He improvised the lyrics to What a Beautiful Day

from 'And gave me a son On day seven sixty-one' to 'she rocked my world with three beautiful girls'. And immediately followed it up by having to take a break from getting too emotional. I've always loved that song but being married with kids now that shits just hits home. The encore he played a song from his second cd that someone from the crowd suggested. Its one that he must never play in concert (he talked about taking a break from music for a few years) and you could see a couple times where he had to think about the lyrics. He would stop and improvise and chat through songs and the last verse he basically stopped. I picked up the slack and was yelling the line with probably the only other 2 people who knew that song. Bottom line the guy rocks. Oh yeah a couple people in the audience gave him military id bracelets for soldiers who were killed in duty. And he cried, and so should have everyone else.


  1. Sounds like a great concert! Hit me up next time you guys plan on seeing Cagle or any country act.

  2. Boom, awesome entry. I knew good stuff would come from this blogging adventure. My internet has been acting up and my phone is a Samsung flip phone so my updates are lacking. I'll get something up today for sure.
