Monday, April 15, 2013

Thunder can't stop me

I'm pretty sure the last 7 days has been my strongest week to date. I've gone running 4 times totaling 18.5 miles (4.12,3.97,8.09,2.37), played soccer, done box jumps twice, 110 pull ups, and 1525 pushups. Maybe this working out thing is starting to pan out and I might be getting back in shape. There is a long road ahead but at least I'm driving the right direction.

Today I did 40 morning pushups, at the gym 10 sets of 20 pushups, 6 pull ups, 10 box jumps, 60 seconds rest on the bike, 50 afternoon pushups at work, 40 pushups after dinner, and sets of 30,30,30,32(22 w/Urijah on my back) right before a 2.37 mile run. I almost didn't make it on the run because of thunder and lightning but I waited a half hour and the weather passed and I was glad to get a short jog in.

Pushups - 452 / 10500 YTD
Pull ups - 60 / 698 YTD

Running - 2.37 / 70.69 YTD
Treadmill - 0 / 2 YTD
Elliptical - 0 / 36 YTD
Run total - 108.69 YTD

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