Monday, April 8, 2013

Opening Day

My usual routine for Opening Day is leave work early head down to Pyramid run into 50 people we know who are also going to the game and then go watch some baseball. I think I've gone to everyone since 2005. When 'Richie Sexson hit a home run'. If the sentence before is funny then we are good friends if not I don't care I don't promise any enjoyment from reading these post. Between a disenchantment with the Mariners and their rising prices and shrinking payroll and a hectic home schedule I decided to pass. I was rewarded with one heck of a NCAA championship game to watch. It's funny to root against your bracket in the finals, but my other than Louisville I couldn't have done much worse. Michigan is my favorite Big 10 school and I thought they had it but man Louisville is so strong.

I was able to do 50 in the AM, afternoon and PM in 2x25 again. That is going to be my routine until my shoulder is feeling better. We have soccer tomorrow but I'm still feeling pretty sick so we'll see if I make it to the game.

Pushups - 150 / 8975 YTD
Pull ups - 0 / 588 YTD

Running - 0 / 52.14 YTD
Treadmill - 0 / 2 YTD
Elliptical - 0 / 36 YTD
Run total - 90.14 YTD


  1. You can't just write "Richie Sexson hit a home run" in proper English. I don't know exactly how to spell Young's version but you can try harder than that.

    If I'm not deployed at this time next year, I'll make it home for Opening Day and you can start another streak. Hopefully we get a real home opener and can watch Fifi.

  2. I'm just reading this now and laughing!!!!
