Monday, April 8, 2013

Dragging on

This illness is really dragging on. I'm going on 5 days of one symptom or another. The last few days has been a nasty cough. I did 6x25 on Saturday because I needed to get back on the horse. My muscles felt rested but had no energy. The problem with trying to stay on pace and not build a big padding is I can't afford to have a week like this where I'm sick or hurt. Well doing just that on Saturday I could feel it in my shoulder the next day. I'm going to try and do 2x25 in the AM, afternoon, and PM just to keep the numbers afloat.

We kept busy over the weekend. Saturday I went and bought a truck. I've always loved the concept of the Avalanche being able to fold down the midgate into the cab and create the 8ft bed. Now I get my chance to see if it really is worth it. I went straight to Lowe's and bought a bunch of lumber just because I could. There is a small leak on the rear window seal that I need to take a look at but nothing that should be a huge deal. After that we relaxed at home and I watched most of the basketball games. I was really pulling for the Shockers but I'm fine with a Michigan/Louisville final.

Yesterday, we met Marcus and the soon to be Mrs. for lunch. They had a late night the night before at his Dad's for an engagement party. Luce family functions always has some good stories to recap and this was no different. After that we visited both sets of Gparents and both kids fell a sleep on the way home making for an easy night.

Typical married w/kids weekend. It may be not exciting but these guys are worth it.

Pushups - 150 / 8825 YTD
Pull ups - 0 / 588 YTD

Running - 0 / 52.14 YTD
Treadmill - 0 / 2 YTD
Elliptical - 0 / 36 YTD
Run total - 90.14 YTD

1 comment:

  1. It's so fucked up. I was certain that I would be knocking out 500 a day by now. Shoulders are the bane of our existences.

    Anyone who thinks kids are boring just doesn't understand life.
