Sunday, April 14, 2013


I was planning to go for a longer run and thought it would work out good to run to Tad's kid's t-ball game and meet everyone there and then ride how. I mapped it online and it said 6.3 miles. Seemed like a good length so I set out around 40 minutes before they were supposed to start and figured I get there a few minutes into it. The plan was great but how was I supposed to know the road was going to be closed after somebody drove into a power pole. After a 2 mile detour I was just getting to the field when they were wrapping up and caught a ride back from Tasha's parents. Luckily I was going really slow so the extra miles weren't that big a deal. I've got a blister on my arch on one foot but feel good otherwise.

I did 4 sets of 30 pushups in the after noon before we took the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese. We stayed around 2 hours and only spent $10. Which is great, except when you think of the type of people who spend in that range. Tons of unsupervised kids running a muck and general chaos. We're talking a kid maybe a year old crawling around on the floor with no one watching. Kids climbing over the barriers and games with no parents in sight. Typically south King County Dub-T.

At night I wanted to do more pushups and thought trying the ripdeck workout would be a good idea. I spent a half hour making my app usable and gave it a shot. It kicked my ass. I've never been a sit-up guy so they were utter torture. But its a great way to add a muscle I neglect with a getting the numbers I need for this challenge. I need to do it where I can hold my feet down for situps. The first half I went up all the way without holding them down and the 2nd half I did more crunch style. My time was an embarrassing 14:53, 8:03 sit-ups, 6:50 pushups. It was cool to be able to use the app I made even though it is still very raw but works and does its job.

Pushups - 328 / 10048 YTD
Pull ups - 0 / 638 YTD

Running - 8.09 / 68.32 YTD
Treadmill - 0 / 2 YTD
Elliptical - 0 / 36 YTD
Run total - 106.32 YTD

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