Sunday, June 30, 2013


Having a Seattle style heat wave right now. says it hit 86 yesterday and my dumb ass decided it would be good to go for a run around 5pm which was the peak of the heat. I worked on the house the first half of the day so between that and a run in 80+ weather I zonked out on the couch. The house was so hot that I was laying with my damp towel from the shower no the couch to keep cool.

I did a little of everything at the house yesterday: insulation, framing, electrical. The entry area is starting to come together.

After it cooled down I walked to the Redbox and rented Silver Playbook Linings. Katniss Everdeen as a sex addict, hey why not. Oh yeah and it was nominated for a bunch of awards if that's your kind of thing.

This morning rolled out of bed and took the dog for a run to beat the heat. It was still pretty warm at 7am. The last quarter mile I was pretty sure I was going crap my pants. It's a tough call to make to decide to duck into the bushes and pop a squat. Once I got onto my street I that option was gone because there isn't anywhere to hide. That was the most awkward 150 yards of running I've done in a long time. Luckily made it home and avoided an embarrassing mess.

Pushups - 0 / 19845 YTD
Pull ups -   0 / 1188 YTD

Running -  3 Saturday, 3.47 Sunday / 156.51 YTD
Treadmill - 0 / 2 YTD
Elliptical -  0 / 44 YTD

Run total - 202.51 YTD

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